I had to get up around 10am to go to the restroom, with the intent on going back to bed afterwards. But Daniel needed a ride to church, so i grab my keys and sleepily drive him there. Apparently mom couldn't take him because after she showered this morning, she got an extreme shoot of pain up her spine and she fell down, immobile. By the time I was up, she had managed to get into her bed to just lay there. My dad was asleep on the couch and my other brother was asleep in his bedroom.
I take Daniel to church in my pjs and barefoot, on the way home mom calls me to say how she needs me to help her today. I had plans with g-ma today to do her laundry and bake some bread with her, but seeing as how mom needed me and I had my own pain to deal with...it couldn't happen.
So now it's near 1pm, and it turns out it doesn't really matter if I'M in pain. Dad stays on the couch wanting coffee and food and whatnot. I don't mind helping mom and stuff, but I'm in more pain than they realize. I've cried several times due to my hurting. And I have things to do. I need to go shopping for Nathan's birthday gift and blah blah. I just want to lay down and rest.

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