Monday, July 10, 2006

Somewhere...over the rainbow...

So I got in my car to go to Astronomy class and my car starts squeeling and then smoking... I'm tired of shitty cars. Fortunately, I could use my mom's van to go to class. I was late and ran into a classmate that was leaving since she was sick; she asks if I'm ready for the test. "That's tonight?" I ask...Yes, yes it was. I wasn't prepared; I thought it was next Monday. I got test anxiety and started shaking while I took it and feeling sick to my stomach. I most like bombed it, but oh well. I got thru it.

After the Lab that I had finished before everyone else, I went up to the Prof and said how I wanted to be an astronomer. He said he wasn't surprised, that he had a sort of 6th sense about it and that I seem perfect for astronomy. "Really?" I said. He replied "Yes, I can tell from how you interact in class, the questions you ask. You'd be a good astronomer." That made my day. Even if I don't go into that field, I considered it a compliment.

Now, as for my car, dad said it was the belt. Whatever that means. All I know is that I'm now dependant on my parents for rides/their cars, which is no good. I'll have to ride with my dad tomorrow to get to work, and don't know how I'll get home...

And about moving out... I plan to sort through and pack some things up first (maybe have a garage sale to get some earnings from my junk), talk to my grandma, and get my mom to buy me some clothes (don't know if she would after I move out, so I'm pretty much taking advantage of her and her money, but I'll be dirt poor once I'm out of all in all, I think it's a smart move on my part)...and then I'll tell my parents that I'm moving out. This will most likely happen within this next week.

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