It worries me a little because of all these changes (and problems). I have a job interview tomorrow for a part-time secretarial position on the other side of town; however, it doesn't really matter that it's on the other side of town because I hope to be moving over there soon. I'm no longer wanted here at home, so I need to move out. Hopefully I will be able to move in with a relative. I also have to change my classes to another campus (haven't done so yet because I don't know where I'll be living).
My parents found out about the job interview and say that it's probably not a good idea since it's on the other side of town, but they don't know that I'm planning on moving out...at least not yet. I'm a little worried about telling them because even though they said I should move out, I know they will still make it hell for me.
I'm scared about being on my own (at least for the most part). But I have come to the decision that I will embrace life, or try to. I should be excited about new possibilities, meeting different people, having my own adventures. It will be hard, I know. But I can no longer be lazy about my life. I can't just sit around and fear change; I need to stand up and accept new things. I need to look forward to everything, with the hope that I will grow and become a better person. No more letting people drag me down. No more. And I won't let anyone try to change me to their desires. I am my own; I am me.